Port Jefferson to Manhasset

Port Jefferson. I’m not sure what to say about that town really. I think we were spoiled with Mystic and Shelter Island. Port Jefferson was completely different. I have to admit that I became a little overwhelmed that myself and the little self contained world that is Dinah were in the middle of all this idiosyncratic down town America.

We left just as soon as we had replenished the beer, donut, and muffin supplies. To be honest the day sail was pretty uneventful for the most part. 15knts on the nose all day. Clear blue skies. Lots of sunblock, and a good dent made in the beer supplies.

As we approached Manhasset, the heat haze lifted a little. All of a sudden we could see the Manhatten skyline on the horizon. A shiver went down my spine at the sight of the fruits of so many labours. Very quickly a lightening storm stole the view again, and we just got into the marina before the storm hit.


We sat down below sheltering from the conditions for a while before venturing to the restaurant and bar just at the top of the marina. I haven’t seen much of Manhasset itself, but from the looks of some of the properties on the shore it’s not going to suffer too much from the depression. That’s the extent of todays social commentary I’m afraid. I was far too interested in food and a bar to go look around the town properly.

Tomorrow morning we’re up before dawn to make the tide down the East River into the city. This is the day I have dreamed about for years now. I’ll take lots of pics, and try to start writing the blog early in the day so as not to miss anything. The thought of little Dinah sailing down the river and past the Statue of Liberty is just incredible.

Sleep now though, so I don’t miss anything tomorrow. I’m so excited, I’m like a child on Christmas Eve!

Let’s hope for some decent sailing conditions in the morning!
